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If you would like to be part of the temporary steering group, or if you have feedback or input you would like to contribute, please email Jennifer@SouthWestWales.co

Here follows a report of the virtual meeting of the wider steering group on the 24th September 2020.  You can find a write up of notes from the steering group meeting below.


Marketing & Comms

The group discussed ideas on content to share across social media and blog material.

  • Sharing community events on social media as an incentive to explore the rail network. These could include monthly farmer markets, festivals, arts and crafts fairs, etc.
  • Blog articles about businesses that have adapted to lockdown. Fishguard & Goodwick café have takeaway meals during lockdown. 
  • Events, festivals and recommended places to visit. Days out by rail.
  • John suggested a future campaign to “Love our Trains” to welcome people back to rail transport. 

Community and Partnership Projects

  • Jennifer met with Wales on Rails. The Wales on Rails website seeks to identify missing gaps between public transport links. This is currently being built.
  • Wales on Rails will show all points of interest near local stations and all Welsh CRPs are involved. 
  • Jennifer is working in partnership with Ramblers Cymru to produce walks along the rail network.
  • Walks are ready to be uploaded on the website, beginning at the east of the region and travelling west.
  • There are issues with rights of way in Neath which are currently being resolved.


  • Poster timetables/signs can easily and very quickly become outdated.
  • Digital solutions such as screens would help to remedy this, saving time and costs on paper signage.
  • Access to digital information may be hindered by lack of mobile connection or poor Wi-Fi at stations. 
  • Touch screens would be a concern due to current circumstances. Hugh has expressed that such screens planned would be touchless.
  • There’s opportunity to work with Ferry operators to deliver information on port ends to show the opportunities within Wales. 
  • Port Talbot Station is very grey. Potential for signage and content, “branding the region.”

Biodiversity & Community Gardens

Incredible Edible are interested in becoming involved with Llanelli’s Westbound Platform

  • Geraint explained that Llanelli is due for a new bridge as part of the Access for All scheme. The land for the garden may be impacted by this. 
  • Ideas arising at Swansea station for a community garden in the back of the station. A Heritage Lottery bid is currently being written.
  • No current access to the space behind the station. Focus on building that access. 


  • Iwan shared with the group that PLANED is in the process of digitising leaflets on Pembrokeshire walks across all communities.
  • Digital leaflets will be on PLANED and Echoes (Pembs Heritage) and may include video content of the walks. 
  • Geraldine will invite Carmarthenshire and more Swansea council contacts to join the group.
  • Lewis suggested developing a strategy for next year.
  • Hugh is looking at overcoming issues with digital solutions in conjunction with a number of organisations.
  • Hugh has stated there is a plan for a café at Port Talbot Station.


  • Haverfordwest Shared Vision Meeting to take place.
  • Jennifer to continue working with Ramblers Cymru on the Walks project.
  • Find representation for Carmarthenshire and invite them to join the group.
  • Continue discussions surrounding Llanelli station. A shared vision meeting to take place in future.


  • Zoe Antrobus, Evie Redford – 4theRegion
  • Jennifer Barfoot – South West Wales Connected CRP
  • Becky Lloyd – Transition Bro Gwain
  • Hatti Woakes – North Pembrokeshire Transport Forum
  • Hugh Evans, Geraint Morgan, Arron Bevan-JohnTransport for Wales
  • Kevin Rodericks – Traveline Cymru
  • John Davies – BayTrans
  • Rhiannon-Jane Raftery – Wales & Borders, Community Rail Network
  • Peter Absolon – Pembroke Rail Travelers Association
  • Lewis Ward, Emma MorrisGreat Western Railway 
  • Iwan Thomas – PLANED
  • Liz Williams – Pembrokeshire Tourism
  • Jeremy MartineauFishguard & Goodwick Chamber of Trade & Tourism
  • Laura Webley – Neath Port Talbot Tourism
  • Philip McDonnellLow Carbon Swansea Bay & Swansea Environmental Forum
  • Geraldine Williams – Swansea Council
  • Kirsty Thomas, Stuart Thomas – Natural Resources Wales