How can public bodies in Swansea Bay help to create a sustainable and resilient regional food system by sourcing more locally produced food?
It seems crazy that so much of the food we consume in our region is imported from elsewhere, rather than grown and produced locally as part of our Foundational Economy. Our farmers and small food businesses need secure and sustainable routes to market, in order to put their businesses on a firm footing for current and future generations. Through collaboration, we can hope to tackle intersecting issues around the need for more environmentally friendly farming practices, the journey to net zero in our food system, the need for rural employment and support for local food production, the goal of resilient, cohesive communities, and the goal of a healthier and more equal population.
This short project is supported by the Swansea and Neath Port Talbot Public Services Boards (PSBs) to explore issues relating to FOOD PROCUREMENT, through a holistic lens of health, affordability, sustainability and local economy. Bringing together professionals working in public organisations in Swansea and NPT, including catering, commercial, procurement, sustainability and other colleagues, this project has highlighted some key issues and opportunity areas for focus and collaboration going forward.
Together, we’re asking…
What are the risks, barriers and challenges to overcome to enable more local food procurement – in schools, hospitals, councils, colleges, universities…? What can we learn from elsewhere, and how can we implement that learning in our own organisations? What shall we together in the year ahead to make progress on this urgent and essential agenda?
Please browse the video recordings and notes below to catch up on this collaborative Learning Journey, and email 4theRegion to get involved or share your views/resources/case studies/ideas!
Learning Journey Resources
Session 1 Recording and Notes (09/02/24) – Opening discussion, Simon Griffiths, Opus Supply Chain
Session 2 Recording and Notes (23/02/24) – Edward Morgan, Castell Howell
Session 3 Recording and Notes (01/03/24) – Social Farms & Gardens presentation
Session 4 Recording and Notes (15/03/24) – Simon Roberts, Olchfa School, Swansea
Session 5 – in person event
Friday 22nd March 2024, 9:30-2:30
HQ Urban Kitchen, The Old Police Station, Llys Glas, 37 Orchard St, Swansea SA1 5AJ