WEAll Cymru Youth Forum
As a founder member of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance for Wales, we are working with other wellbeing organisations to coordinate activities in the run up to the next Senedd elections, encouraging people to vote for an economy that works better for everyone. With the Senedd Elections coming up in 2021, young people have more power than ever before to help shape the future direction of Wales. That’s why we want young people to set the agenda for a major communications campaign in the run-up to the next election, making sure that the THINGS YOUNG PEOPLE CARE ABOUT are at the forefront of everyone’s minds when we all go to vote.
Now that the voting age in Wales has been brought down to 16, there are around 280,000 young people in Wales who will be voting for the first time in May 2021. What does that mean for the kinds of ideas and policies that are put forward? How do we ensure young people are engaged positively, and that the election is meaningful for them? We know that to answer these questions, we need to get around the table with young people for a genuine conversation - and that's what we're planning for Jan 16th 2021.
We need to engage with Youth Forums across Wales to help us get the event invitation out to as many young people as possible. We need to design and choreograph the event in a way that lets young people set the agenda, connect with each other around a shared sense of purpose, and helps us all to understand what young people really care about. And we need to make sure this first event is part of an ongoing commitment to co-produce solutions with young people, instead of making assumptions about what they think.