Swansea Creative Focus Meetups


Working from our High Street Hub, Swansea Creative Focus is a collaboration by independent businesses, organisations and people, taking on the challenge of grassroots regeneration in Swansea City Centre, aiming to support and develop the creative and cultural fabric of the city.  This involves nurturing and championing creative businesses, entrepreneurs and projects; and opening up wider access to creativity, digital tech, arts, crafts & culture for all people, young and old, across the city.


Prior to the lockdown we were meeting every Monday from 6pm at our hub in Swansea Train Station. These meetups have been paused, but in the meantime we have been part of a number of conversations about the creative regeneration of the High Street.


Our members and partners want to see a creative enterprise hub in Swansea City Centre, to support a network of entrepreneurs, artists and makers. There are a number of vacant buildings that offer a potential opportunity, but the first step would be to identify support or funding for a new collaboration.


Swansea Creative Focus Launches on High Street!

Swansea Creative Focus Launches on High Street!

A new collaborative project by 4theRegion changemakers is launching on Swansea High Street this month.  Swansea Creative Focus is a collaboration by independent businesses, organisations and people, taking on the challenge of grassroots regeneration in Swansea City Centre.  The group’s aim is to support and develop the creative and cultural fabric of the city. This involves nurturing and championing creative businesses, entrepreneurs and projects; and opening up wider access to creativity, digital tech, arts, crafts & culture for all people, young and old, across the city.

Swansea Creative Quarter Cluster

Swansea Creative Quarter Cluster

Following our Creative Quarter Roundtable in September 2019, a group of 4theRegion Changemakers has been meeting on a weekly basis to take forward some of the ideas we discussed.  We know that creating a vibrant, creative, inclusive Swansea is key to achieving our economic and social goals for the region.

Roundtable Report – Swansea Creative Quarter 2019

Roundtable Report – Swansea Creative Quarter 2019

The creative quarter round table meeting arises out of the Swansea City Centre Conference run by 4theRegion in April. The intention is to look at what else can be done to keep the momentum up on Swansea High Street. What can we, as business owners, organisations and passionate individuals do to improve the area, visually and socially, increase footfall and make it a destination for Swansea residents and visitors to the City.



We want to connect as many different groups and individuals as possible. If you would like to be part of this exciting collaboration for a creative Swansea, please register your interest!


We are sharing good news about all the creative happenings in Swansea.  Send us your updates so we can champion your organisation, raise the profile of your work, and promote your events.


Become a member of 4theRegion to support this project and be part of our movement.  Our members share a commitment to South West Wales and are collaborating to make positive change happen.