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Regional Transport Manifesto


In partnership with Swansea Environmental Forum and Natural Resources Wales, we hosted a major regional conversation about the future of transport in South West Wales - not with transport campaigners and politicians but with real people and businesses who care about the future of the region. Following the conference, we have published a full event report and a Regional Transport Manifesto for South West Wales.


Following our major regional transport conference in February 2021, we have pulled together all the notes from 8 hours of discussion to produce a Transport Manifesto for South West Wales. This document has been an exercise in co-production, reflecting the priorities and perspectives of a huge diversity of conference participants, and provides key actions that all of us can take forward, from Local Authorities to individuals, from businesses to community groups. Please find the manifesto and event report in the link provided below.


Our priority is to engage with more partners, including the PSBs, major employers and regional authorities, to ensure we are all working together. If you represent an organisation, business or community group involved in travel and transport in Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Neath Port Talbot and/or Swansea, please get in touch with zoe@4theregion.com about opportunities to work with us and engage more with communities.



We need greener, cleaner, healthier and better connected travel and transport for South West Wales, for a transport system that meets the needs of businesses, serves communities, and improves well-being across the region.

We need greener, cleaner, healthier and better connected travel and transport for South West Wales, for a transport system that meets the needs of businesses, serves communities, and improves well-being across the region.

The conference aimed to help shape the future of transport in Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea: What should the government be investing in, what could the local authorities be doing, and how can people, communities and businesses be part of the solution?