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The Port has already invested heavily in renewable energy across its estate. Liddeston Solar Array, pictured, was completed in 2014

The Port of Milford Haven has continued its commitment to renewable energy by switching its energy provider to Octopus Energy which means that 100% of the Port’s electricity usage is guaranteed to be coming from renewable sources.

Octopus Energy only supplies energy to its customers that is from renewable energy sources, ensuring that it is clean, green energy. It takes power from wind, water and solar as well as energy generated from the natural breakdown of food and farm waste.

Tam Bardell, Estate Efficiency Manager at the Port explained how this isn’t the first step the Port has taken to help tackle its carbon emissions: “We have already invested heavily in renewable energy and efficiency across our estate. Solar panels, heat pumps, insulation, biomass, LED lighting, electric vehicles, marine renewables development and smart energy innovations are just some of the ways we are making a difference. We already export more renewable electricity than we use and by switching to Octopus Energy we are continuing our work towards lowering our direct impact in the current climate emergency, and doing what we can to contribute towards the UK’s net zero targets. Every step that anyone can make to help reduce their contribution to global warming is key.”

Port of Milford Haven