53. Accelerating Wales’ Journey to Net Zero with Prof. Jane Davidson
In this interview, Dawn Lyle discusses with Jane Davidson, Chair of the Net Zero 2035 Challenge Group for Wales, the ambitious project to accelerate Wales’ Net Zero target from 2050 to 2035.
44. Working with the Menopause with Jayne Woodman
Jayne Woodman set up The Menopause Team in 2019 to assist employers and employees in establishing significantly ...
61. Tracking and Reducing Carbon with Huw Watkins from Trac-C
It's time for all businesses to take seriously the need to reduce their carbon emissions - and that starts with measuring your footprint and tracking the change over time. BIC Innovation has partnered with Greener Edge to offer a new commercial solution: Trac-C - a package of support and expertise to help organisations move forward in tackling scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.