Care Inspectorate Wales find that happy Swansea Clients ‘receive care, at the right time and in the way they want it’
A senior homecare company in Swansea has received a glowing inspection report from Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW), the Welsh Government body responsible for inspecting the quality and safety of services for the well-being of the people of Wales.
Right at Home Swansea, located in Henley House in Fforestfach received no notes of non-compliance or further recommendations during the inspection. This was the first time that the service, which was established in December 2017, had been fully inspected post-registration with the CIW.
During the unannounced inspection, the homecare service was inspected for quality of leadership and management; quality of staffing and quality of life. The resulting report was highly complementary on all fronts.
Right at Home provides domiciliary care and support to people living in their own homes, predominantly in the Swansea district but extending to Neath Port Talbot and Llanelli. The service was rated one of the top 20 homecare providers in Wales, based on Client reviews, in the 2018 Homecare.co.uk awards which highlights the most recommended homecare providers in each region of the UK.
According to the CIW report, one of the key strengths of the service was the person-centred approach that the organisation employed.
It said, “People using the service can be confident that their individual care needs, wishes and preferences are incorporated in their service delivery plan.”
“People told us that they were very pleased with the care they receive. We were told that care workers are always polite and sensitive whilst carrying out personal care support to people. People, and their relatives, told us that care workers never rush and always take time to ensure that people are happy with the way in which their care and support is being offered.”
And continued, “Care workers we spoke with focused on what was important to people, enabling them to achieve personal goals.”
During the inspection on 31 May 2018, CIW representatives spoke with three Right at Home CareGivers, three Clients and one family member as well as the Registered Manager and Business Owner (Responsible Individual).
After speaking with Clients and CareGivers, the CIW inspector also praised the well-managed service. The report said; “People and their families consistently commented on how approachable the management are and said that they would have no hesitation in approaching either the manager or the responsible individual with any issues, ideas or comments which they might have.”
The CareGivers themselves were very complementary about the support provided to them. The report quotes one as saying “I am very pleased with the agency. The responsible individual goes the extra two miles.” Another said “This is my dream job. I have nothing but good to say about the manager and responsible individual. I am kept well informed and supported.”
James Foley, owner of Right at Home Swansea commented, “I’m absolutely thrilled with our first CIW report. We are passionate about developing care and support that meets the individual needs of our Clients and I’m delighted that this has been highlighted within this inspection. Our CareGivers are our most important asset and I am grateful for all of their efforts in making a difference to the lives of our Clients.”
Emma Lewis, Registered Manager of Right at Home Swansea commented "I am delighted that our ambition to create a culture of putting people first, whether staff or clients has been recognised in our CIW report. We created a solid foundation based on quality values, inclusion and team work and to see the outcomes of this highlighted throughout our inspection is testament to our commitment to provide a first class experience for all."
Louise Williams, of Hutchinson Thomas Solicitors commented "My experience of working with James and the Right at Home team has been very reassuring and I am very pleased that there is a service such as this for families in Swansea and Neath. I’d like to congratulate all involved, from the office team to the individual CareGivers, who all come together to help others."
Full report available here.
For further information about our homecare services or franchise opportunities visit Right at Home or contact enquiries@rightathomeuk.com.