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Pupils at Oakleigh House School have joined over 55,000 children and young people around the world to draw attention to the vital role of mental and physical wellbeing in education.

Covid-19 has put the spotlight on young people’s wellbeing more than ever before. On Friday 25 September, Oakleigh House School collapsed the curriculum to mark Global Be Well Day – a worldwide event led by Cognita, the group of over 75 schools of which Oakleigh House is a member.

The day of activities and learning aimed to expand pupils’ and parents’ understanding of wellbeing at a time when Covid-19 impacts every aspect of life. Rhian Ferriman, Headteacher explains: “The uncertainty of Covid has meant our school has pivoted to and from online learning at various points over the last 6 months. We expect this to continue – and that makes our priority focus on wellbeing doubly important.”

Global Be Well Day at Oakleigh House involved lessons around various themes. Our Nursery and Reception pupils talked about different ways of ‘What makes me happy’ considering how making other people happy helps you to feel happy too. Pupils in years 1 & 2 worked collaboratively to create their own Wellbeing Charter to help pupils understand that there are many factors that contribute to wellbeing. The older pupils based their discussions on the theme ‘A Beautiful Day’ which includes something active, social, altruistic and something they would consider one of their strengths. Following their discussions they worked on creating videos about their ‘beautiful day’ to share with their class.

We did not want to leave our parents out of our Global Be Well Day and so designed a 30 day challenge for them to reduce the use of social media more consciously and to encourage more mindful use of social media.

Mrs Ferriman continues: “By joining together on Global Be Well Day 2020, we’re reinforcing the vital importance of wellbeing as the foundation that needs to underpin every aspect of education.”

For more information contact:

Oakleigh House School

Tel: 01792 298537