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Nature & Us is a year-long project to involve the people of Wales in a national conversation about the future of our natural environment. The aim is to develop a shared vision for the year 2050, by encouraging people to find out more about the way our actions impact on the natural environment and to think about how society’s relationship with nature needs to change. It will also look at what changes we need to adopt ourselves over the next 30 years. 

We will look at the food we grow and eat, the way we travel and use energy – and how all this affects the natural environment. It will challenge people all over Wales to think about different possible futures and consider what we want, but also reflect on what we really need. It will ask people to consider the future of the natural environment in their local area, as well as thinking about how decisions made in Wales could impact on the rest of the world.

National conversation

The national conversation is a collaborative effort, involving lots of different people and organisations, from young children to big companies. Everyone can have their say.

It will be an inclusive and COVID-friendly process that asks people to share their views by completing surveys, joining interactive webinars, attending workshops and taking part in focus groups.

And, to make sure this goes further than NRW, we will really need the help of key people and organisations across Wales to make it a success.

Start of a journey

Nature & Us is the start of a journey. It isn’t a glossy brochure that sits on our shelves, or a box-ticking exercise for organisations. It isn’t going to preach or judge anyone. It is a living, evolving vision for what people in Wales want our natural environment to look like in the future. We also hope that it will generate a collection of positive and practical ideas about what governments, organisations and individuals need to do to make sure we can adapt to a changing world and protect the environment we all live in.

How you can get involved

Over the next few months, we will be asking organisations to contribute to our shared vision for the project launch in October 2021.

Natural Resources Wales