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You’re using your device at this very moment aren’t you! Please take a moment to point your browser to fly2wales.co.uk You won’t be disappointed!


Today we’re pleased to launch our brand new website and we hope you are impressed.

It’s such a shame that Wales is currently closed to tourism as it continues to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic and our heart-felt sympathies are extended to all those families who have lost loved ones. Business too has been affected, particularly tourism that relies so heavily on visitors to our wonderful Country, so today we hope that our new website will be a welcome surprise.

Resilience is one word that you can surely attribute to the people of Wales and soon, once the ravages of this dreadful pandemic are over there’ll be a welcome to you all to visit.

As you browse our new pages you will able to view the many opportunities to visit, stay and enjoy whether it be mountains, valleys, lakes, beaches, museums, restaurants, café’s and we must never forget castles! Wales truly has them all.

We thank all the wonderful businesses who have supported this venture to illustrate Wales to the World from B & Bs, hotels, cottages, country houses, retreats and camping sites residing here for you to visit and explore.

Dorian True, Managing Director at Fly 2 Wales stated “We have taken the opportunity to refresh our popular pages, already viewed by many thousands of potential visitors to Wales and to offer our advertisers a new look to their presentations with us”

“It is so unfortunate that the world is experiencing the ravages of this pandemic but we wanted to keep showing our website visitors what Wales has to offer the tourist and visitor and what an outstanding destination Wales will be once again when the time is right”

“We remain indebted to Thomas Design in Swansea for their superb interpretation of what we have been aiming to offer our advertisers and visitors alike and the dynamism of Wales is truly reflected in our new website”

“Hopefully it will not be too long before we can extend the warmest of welcome to tourists and visitors with a true Croeso I Gymru”