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Procurement & Buying Regional | Sector Forum

Meet businesses and organisations from South West Wales to talk about opportunities to keep more spending in the region, for the greater good in South West Wales.
Date: 28/06/2022
Time: 12:00 pm
Venue: Online
Open to all

Hear from 4theRegion members and partners about their work in the region, their social purpose, and their ambitions for the future, emerging opportunities to collaborate and support each other across South West Wales!

The Well-being of Future Generations Act says public organisations should spend 95% of their budgets within Wales. If that happened, it would transform the lives of people and communities. We know that if businesses and organisations in South West Wales buy more from each other, we can keep more wealth here in our local economy, develop our supply chains, and create more opportunities for people and businesses.

So what are the obstacles to more in-region procurement, and how can we work together across the public, private and third sectors, to make it work better?

With everything that’s going on, our region needs us all, more than ever, to work together to support our economy, our communities and the planet. We hope you’ll take this opportunity to join the conversation and get involved!

Please visit our website to join our regional alliance, working together for a happy, healthy South West Wales with a flourishing economy. www.4theRegion.org.uk

More details about this event will be added to this page once speakers, sponsors and talking points are confirmed. If you are a 4theRegion member and would like the opportunity to speak at one of these meetings, please get in touch with Zoe: zoe@4theregion.org.uk