Development & Construction | Sector Forum

Join developers, housebuilders, construction companies, architects, planners, suppliers, SMEs, professionals and others from across the development and construction sector in South West Wales, to look collectively at the challenges our region is facing, discuss what’s needed and what we can do to help.
Date: 12/07/2022
Time: 12:00 pm
Venue: Online
Open to all

Hear from 4theRegion members and partners about their work in the region, their social purpose, and their ambitions for the future, emerging opportunities to collaborate and support each other across South West Wales!

Listen and learn as your industry colleagues meet to debate the issues, share your own views about what needs to happen, and help consider joined up strategies and potential collaborations for the greater good.

What About You?

Tell us what you and your organisation are doing, to BE THE CHANGE on development, investment and construction in our region. Please bring with you any case studies, great examples or positive stories about your projects, developments and local contracts!

With everything that’s going on, our region needs us all, more than ever, to work together to support our economy, our communities and the planet. We hope you’ll take this opportunity to join the conversation and get involved!

More details about this event will be added to this page once speakers, sponsors and talking points are confirmed. If you are a 4theRegion member and would like the opportunity to speak at one of these meetings, please get in touch with Zoe: