Earth Science Partnership, a consultancy of engineers, geologists and applied environmental scientists based in South Wales, has recently been accredited as a four day week employer by the 4 Day Week Campaign, which campaigns for a four day, 32 hour working week with no reduction of pay.
The 4 Day Week Campaign offers a number of options for introducing shorter working time, which reflect the requirements of different sectors. Earth Science Partnership were awarded the highest level of accreditation, Gold Standard, which officially recognises it provides staff with a permanent 32 hour (or less) four day week, with no loss of pay.
Matthew Eynon, from Earth Science Partnership, said “During the past year we have adapted our working patterns to allow all staff a blended working week from home, office and site; over four days. It has allowed for more efficient working, improved work life balance and has reduced our carbon footprint as individuals and as a company. We are really pleased to have secured this accreditation.”
A four day working week is one of the measures that progressive businesses are now adopting, which helps move us towards a Wellbeing Economy here in South West Wales – an economy that better serves the needs of people, communities and the natural environment.
A four day working week would benefit our society, our economy, our environment and our democracy.
Its societal benefits include better mental and physical health, a fairer society (due to a more equal share of paid and unpaid work), and strengthened communities.
Its economic benefits include lower unemployment – incredibly, the UK suffers simultaneously from overwork, unemployment and underemployment. A four day week is an intuitively simple way to rebalance the economy and address many problems. Furthermore, studies have shown a shorter working week boosts productivity. The tourism sector would also benefit from us having more free leisure time.
A four day week would benefit the environment by providing a more sustainable lifestyle and reducing our carbon footprint.
It also benefits democracy by giving us more time to engage with politics, participate in local campaigns and shape society at a local, national and international level.
4theRegion is keen to support the transition towards a greener, cleaner, happier and more equal future, by promoting the ways that businesses can be part of the solution. Our members and partners are those that believe business should be a force for good, and we are proud to have Earth Science Partnership as part of our alliance!