Creative & Digital

Members Forum – 24/11/2020

Thank you to our members who attended our Creative & Digital Sector forum. How can the creative, cultural and digital sectors contribute positively to shaping a flourishing future for the region? 


The creative and cultural sectors have been among the worst affected by the lockdowns – there is huge uncertainty for creative organisations and venues about when they will be able to resume normal activities. By contrast, the digital sector has been better able to keep going through lockdowns.

Swansea: There is plenty of creativity in the city, but we don’t celebrate it or shout about it enough. A focus on creativity and culture will help change perceptions of Swansea.

Narberth: Narberth is a flourishing creative town with many independent businesses. An influx of creative people in the 1970s transformed the town. It’s now a distinctive and vibrant place but its not well connected and many people don’t know what’s on offer.

Pembrokeshire: There are pockets of creativity and culture across the county, if you know where to look. There is a lot going on, but we could do more to connect and amplify it. Especially in regards to highlighting opportunities for local young people.


  • Digital is a growth area
  • Creative industries are an economic driver 
  • Creativity promotes & celebrates our region
  • How can we keep talent in the area?
  • Lots of creative opportunity in the region.
  • Musical Talent 
  • City of Culture BID
  • Story telling to create a strong sense of community 
  • Unifying Creative and Digital  

What can we do?

  • Amplify the good stuff
  • City of Culture – Cultural project
  • 4 R’s – retain, return, resist, radical
  • Create creative hubs, collaborative workspaces.
  • Create an app supporting local creative businesses and opportunities.
  • Building a creative network link/directory for the region
  • Partnership working – Elysium, Glyn Vivian, other creative hubs. 
  • Collaboration between sectors and creatives
  • Creativity to attract younger generations
  • Apprenticeships in the creative industries 

Get involved

If you would like to join our member forums and meet businesses and organisations from your sector to talk about opportunities to collaborate for the greater good in South West Wales, then join 4theRegion and get involved in the conversation.