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The Wales Race Equality & Social Justice Conference, #EveryoneMatters, was organised in partnership with the Race Council, and brought together people and organisations from across the region who share a commitment to equality and diversity. 

We want to ensure South West Wales is a welcoming and safe region where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and progress fulfilling careers.  We also want to help white people talk about and tackle issues of racial discrimination in the region’s businesses and organisations.

This Year’s Speakers

What Employers Must Do!

  • Diversify organisations boards / recruitment panels
  • Examine organisational culture
  • End zero hours contracts
  • Actively value “lived experience” – add it to your person specs
  • Address and offer training for unconscious bias
  • Give people a chance
  • Offer quality mentoring schemes and reverse mentoring
  • Make full use of Positive Discrimination – you are allowed!
  • Value diversity as a resource, not an obligation
  • Develop BAME employee networks
  • Pay the Real living wage
  • Use targeted recruitment strategies – eg YBP

Community Jobs Compact

4theRegion will be encouraging our members and partners to sign up to the Community Jobs Compact developed by Citizens Cymru.  For all employers who sign the Compact, Citizens Cymru will promote job opportunities to BAME communities and encourage local people to apply; provide support to local people to complete applications and prepare for interview, and signpost employers to organisations who can support them to implement the Compact commitments.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Community Jobs Compact please email Ali.Abdi@citizenswales.org.uk

Action Ideas

  • A working group has formed specifically to address the under representation of BAME school governors in Swansea and South West Wales.  Contact dawn@4theRegion.com if you would like to join this working group.
  • We would like to organise an event for regional employers to introduce the Community Jobs Compact and encourage more of our members to sign up to it.
  • 4theRegion will keep BAME entrepreneurs and businesses involved at the heart of all our events and business engagement activity across the region and ensure we have BAME speakers at our events and conferences.
  • 4theRegion is keen to hear from others who want to take forward projects, initiatives and working groups on any issues relating to Race Equality and Social Justice arising out of this year’s conference. Please contact us!

Why This Event?

Thank you to our Exhibitors

Keep in Touch with this Conversation

Email zoe@4theRegion.com with the subject line “Everyone Matters” if you would like to be notified of future events and projects.  Also please make you are subscribed to the 4theRegion newsletter!