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The Marine Area Statement team are delighted to work with colleagues in the South West to fund Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum’s engagement work package of the ‘Coastal Communities Adapting Together’ project. Its focus is to create engagement tools for local communities to raise awareness of climate change impacts and take ownership for adaptation. NRW, PCF and Pembrokeshire PSB are working together with town councils of communities to identify a suitable pilot community in the South West.

The South West team are also contributing to the PCF project ‘Responsible Use of the Outdoors’ along with the Marine Area Statement team to encourage a sense of responsibility for our seas and natural environment amongst South West Wales tourism and recreation operators.

The Marine Area Statement team will be hosting a national marine online event on 13th and 14th January 2021. The event will bring together a range of local and national partners and stakeholders with an interest in Wales’ marine and coastal environment. It will provide a platform for collaboration, networking and information sharing at a local and regional scale, with the aim of exploring and developing ideas for projects. The event programme is currently being developed and invites will be sent out soon with more information. Please contact marine.as@cyfoethnaturiolcymru.gov.uk to be included or hear more about the event.

Natural Resources Wales