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Workshop on Employment for Refugees
2pm-5pm 14th June

4theRegion is supporting this workshop which is held as part of a day conference celebrating 10 years of Swansea City of Sanctuary, held in partnership with The Open University: Improving Access to Higher Education and Employment for Forced Migrants, Please take a look at the promotional video: https://youtu.be/38mFXKg6yQM

There is huge potential among refugees which is often left untapped and becomes a human waste. There are a great many barriers to be overcome before it can be realised.  Still, with the right support, refugees can be a huge asset to an employer and to society in general.  At this workshop you will hear directly from refugees with lived experience of and some case studies of proven ways of providing support, and join in exploring concrete solutions, including how Employers can be part of the solution.

Please join us on 14 June and help us to debate these matters, at a moment when Swansea not only celebrates a decade of being a City of Sanctuary, but also when the Welsh Government’s Nation of Sanctuary Refugee and Asylum Seeker Plan might be realised following elections in May 2021. You register for the whole conference, which includes speakers such as Jane Hutt MS, Elodie Mignard, Alphonsine Kabagabo and many more discussing broader issues surrounding access to Higher Education and Employment for forced migrants. but you are very welcome to attend just the afternoon workshop.  Whether you are a policy maker, asylum seeker, refugee, researcher, academic, community organisation, if you are interested in developing solutions to lack of access, or particularly if you represent a business or employer willing to play a part but wanting to know how to do so effectively, please come along!

Register for this event: https://heefm.eventbrite.co.uk

We look forward to seeing you there!